
As RTO efforts continue to struggle, experts suggest contrarian strategies to persuade workers. 

这位高管被难住了. After two years of hybrid work, management had called workers back to the office. 三周后, 写字楼入住率仍然很低, 有些员工干脆在家工作, and others doing everything in their power to dodge or truncate their in-office days. 是时候制定法律了吗? 

Organizations worldwide are struggling to attract workers back to the office: US occupancies for September are at 52%, according to data from Kastle Systems—and though that figure is a third higher than a year ago, 办公室还远谈不上热闹. (New York City, for instance, remains stuck at 38% occupancy.) Experts say that this precarious moment is the time to find new ways to motivate returns to office. “如果你不创造磁铁来吸引人们, then you run the risk that employees will focus on inconveniences and costs, 错过了在一起的好处和魔力,” 米利暗纳尔逊, senior client partner in assessment and succession at 最新太阳城官网

那磁铁是什么呢? Experts say that this may be the perfect opportunity to try a contrarian strategy, one that’s not simply different from the past year’s approaches, 但也令人惊讶. 这里有五个: 


Nelson says that this is best done by stacking each workday with a couple of appealing events. 例如, a typical workday might include a 45-minute afternoon-learning session and an end-of-day cocktail hour, or a midday Food Truck + Friends gathering—anything that your particular employees will love. Nelson suggests identifying a few things that employees want, which can only be discovered by coming into the office. 这是一天结束后的足球锦标赛吗? 周五酒吧午餐? 3p.m. 冰淇淋卡车? 或者一对一的导师与学员? “创造那些牵引力,”尼尔森说. “一顿丰盛的午餐总能吸引顾客.”


Do you know what always gets ambitious workers into the office? Opportunities to mingle with the C-suite, particularly with leaders who are typically inaccessible. Employees will also s如何 up in strong numbers for chances to make professional contacts, 不管是在其他部门还是其他公司. “It’s all about leaders being more visible and accessible,” 伊莉斯弗里德曼, leader of the 劳动力转换 practice at 最新太阳城官网. She suggests that these opportunities can be paired with learning sessions about other departments or specialties. 


An alluring office is not just about the physical space, says 丹粉末, 基础设施领域的高级客户合作伙伴, 建筑及服务, 房地产, 最新太阳城官网的可持续发展. Team members will eagerly s如何 up for work that gives them a meaningful reason to be in the office. “归根结底是 如何 我们工作的不仅仅是我们工作的地方,”他说. 他建议,与其强制规定上班时间, managers simply design in-office days around collaboration. 例如, a manager might do Monday meetings outdoors to brainstorm. “If amenities tie in with those activities, all the better.” Pulver knows of companies that have added smoothie bars and gyms and sees an uptick in the hiring of people with hospitality backgrounds to create better workspace experiences. 


The groups typically most hesitant to return to the office are the ones who find in-office time the least harmonious with their caretaking commitments. “A lot of back-to-office schedules are designed based on what works for senior leaders,” says Alina Polonskaia是DE领域的全球领导者&我在最新太阳城官网从事咨询业务. “Look at the people who are struggling the most, and design for them too.” This will result in inclusive work arrangements that meet the needs of the whole workforce, particularly workers who were previously not enticed by RTO efforts. 


Getting to the office can be time-consuming and expensive, 尤其是把火车票的费用加起来的时候, 气体, 和午餐. Experts say that companies can address those obstacles simply by paying their costs through programs like parking and transportation vouchers, 公司加油卡, 还有免费午餐. 这是参与RTO的一个小代价. “鼓励人们进来,”他说 弗洛Falayi, associate client partner in leadership development and executive coaching at 最新太阳城官网. “Pizza Thursday goes a long way in helping me come in on Thursdays. 我很期待.”