
尽管面临越来越多的财政挑战, experts say boards can still try to balance key purpose-movement programs.

It was the hot business trend going into 2020—companies recognizing the value of increasing diversity at all levels, aligning with more social issues important to customers, 为员工发展更强大的文化. 而现在……

Welcome to the first true test of the so-called purpose movement. After more than a year of solid momentum built around the notion that corporations need to move beyond just the bottom line, their efforts to satisfy more stakeholders are in obvious jeopardy. Directors know all too well that business is heavily occupied with the revenue and operational end of the equation in today’s environment.

Tierney媚, vice chairman of 最新太阳城官网’s 董事会 and 首席执行官服务 practice, 尽管财务前景黯淡, 现在忽视目标可能是个错误. She says bringing the community together to work in concert against the challenges brought on by the coronavirus could become a rallying cry for an organization’s employee population. 这就是董事会能帮上忙的地方. Remick says boards can help management reinforce purpose by helping leaders find solutions to keep the organization’s culture and strategy anchored to more than just financial performance during this difficult time.

“Maintaining purpose now can be a true differentiator for organizations that will stand up well when the crisis is over,雷米克说。.

The purpose movement has no doubt been one of the most powerful forces changing business in recent years, 应对数字化颠覆. 同工同酬的动力, 多样性和包容性, and sustainability reached something of a crescendo last year among consumers, 员工, 和投资者. 近200位ceo signed on to a statement from the Business Roundtable proclaiming that shareholder value is no longer an organization’s overarching priority, 例如. 贝莱德, which has $6 trillion in assets under management, 说希望有更多女性进入董事会, and a social return as well as a financial one from the companies in which it invests.

凯特Shattuck, co-leader of 最新太阳城官网’s Impact Investing practice, says putting financial goals over purpose commitments now could be disastrous for these leaders and their organizations. 举个例子, she says that despite new laws in the United States that require female representation on public company boards, noncompliant organizations could use the coronavirus as an excuse for delaying appointments. “People who care about purpose will be watching," says Shattuck. "If business leaders hedge or put asterisks around their commitment because of a tough year, 他们将失去信誉和善意."

To be sure, the outbreak underscores much of what the purpose movement is about. 照顾好员工, 身体和精神, 是一个核心原则, 例如, as is providing a healthy work-life balance so 员工 can take care of family members, 为社区做出积极贡献. 而不是逃避目标, boards can help leaders think about where their organizations are uniquely aligned to contribute and help during the outbreak, 简·史蒂文森说, vice chairman of 最新太阳城官网’s 董事会 and 首席执行官服务 practice. “也许公司无法实现所有目标,史蒂文森说, “but leaders can use this as an opportunity to get creative about ways to honor their purpose.”

Shattuck同意, saying the coronavirus outbreak can ultimately strengthen rather than weaken an organization’s purpose. She adds, however, that it’s easy to be committed to social impact when things are good. To really show that organizations and leaders are authentic in their desire to demonstrate how positive social impact is equal to financial performance, 当事情变得糟糕时,他们必须证明这一点.”