
Making all people feel seen 和 valued can unleash a wave of innovation, says 最新太阳城官网 leadership coach Kevin Cashman.

Kevin Cashman is 最新太阳城官网’s global leader of CEO 和 executive development.

释放所有人的力量, it is critical to rise above our limiting mindsets, 更重要的是, 超越紧张的心脏. 人类的精神, 我们最深的, 最真实的人性, cannot be denied or minimized by judgements that tend to restrict our collective worth. 最后, synergy supersedes separateness 和 eventually prevails; inclusion is the soul of synergy. 

我们的研究, 以及其他人的研究, has demonstrated that the essence of innovation is gr和 collaboration. The broader 和 more diverse the dots included 和 connected, the more profound 和 创新 the breakthrough. Diversity 和 inclusion foster this by hearing, 欣赏, 包括新的, 独特的声音创造新的, 唯一的可能性. However, our technological innovations have too often outpaced our human innovations. 作为万事达卡的首席执行官, Ajaypal Singh Banga, 反映了, “We have the Internet of Everything but not the inclusion of everyone.” 

Great leaders transform by reconciling polarities 和 paradoxes into new, more unified possibilities. Inclusive leaders bridge the seeming polarities while honoring the spectrums 和 breadth of diversity 和 uniqueness. The Reverend Jesse Jackson captured this beautifully: “Our premise is that inclusion leads to growth. So, 给那些被锁在外面的人, 他们失去了发展, 和 those who are in power lose market 和 growth.” Whether we are running a global organization or dealing with our families, 被包容, 兼容并蓄, 是对人类的持续挑战吗. 

A while ago, a very seasoned global CEO 反映了 on his career with me:

“I always thought of our company as truly global, truly inclusive of the world. 事实是,我们没有. We were a US-centric, internationally located firm. Unintentionally, we divided more than we included. 为什么? Because I had not made my own inside-out leadership shift to be more open, 更具包容性, 在我自己. 直到我审视了自己的界限, 我个人的偏见, 在我的人生故事中,我自己缺乏开放性, 我甚至看不见它, 更不用说欣赏和珍惜它了.”

We all have boundaries, we all have our walls, built brick by brick throughout life experience. Break down the walls from inside 和 the world enters. CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper put it well: “While as a society we are moving toward greater inclusion 和 equality for all people, the tide of history only advances when people make themselves fully visible.” The goal of diversity 和 inclusion is to unleash potential by making ourselves, 以及我们周围的所有人, more visible 和 more authentic contributors. 

在他们的工作中, 包容性领导者的5个原则 Alina PolonskaiaAndres Tapia inspired me to deeply reflect on my own leadership 和 on some of the original research presented in my book, 《由内而外的领导力 25年前. While inclusion 和 diversity were just taking hold in the corporate world back then, 真实性原则, 勇气, 敏捷性, 目的, 人际信任, 弹性, 以及价值创造. While reading the great work of my colleagues Andrés 和 Alina, I was struck that the core principles for both world-class leadership 和 inclusive leadership are so foundationally connected.

我们每个人的故事, 在不同程度上, 到处都是形形色色的人, 影响, 经历, 文化的影响, 偏见, 创伤, 和胜利. 了解我们的内心, 独特的故事有助于我们更加开放, 更善解人意, 和 more curiously connected to the diverse stories of others. Once we know our own story 和 deeply appreciate the stories of others, separateness recedes. Like reading a great novel 和 empathizing with all the characters, 一旦我们理解了某人的故事, 我们敞开心扉, 我们苛刻的判断消失了. 

Inclusive leadership is no longer just a desirable thing to have or to add to our leadership. It is crucial to be it, to embody it, to achieve greater 目的-driven performance through it. 

领导 changes everything; it is a causal force, 不能容忍现状的, 被迫改变它接触到的一切. 但是当领导力改变一切的时候, it can accelerate change in one of two ways: change for the better or change for the worse. Being a 更具包容性 leader will heal parts into a more enduring whole to ensure that you are a force for changing our world to a much more sustainable, 创新, 有目的的, 宁静的地方.
