7 Ways Corporate Leaders Can Address D&我现在


The feeling is natural. 失望. 绝望. 愤怒.

又一名手无寸铁的黑人男子被警察杀害,以及随后一周的抗议活动提醒人们,有多少非白人美国人觉得制度对他们不利. And the numbers, unfortunately, bear that out, 无论是监狱里不成比例的非裔美国人,还是公司领导职位上缺乏有色人种.

但研究多样性和包容性的专家表示,尽管应对社会变化可能超出了企业界的范围, change inside organizations are not. From his perspective, Andres Tapia, global diversity and inclusion strategist at 最新太阳城官网, says it starts with a mindset change at the top, creating inclusive leadership. “It can’t be going through the motions,” he says. “It’s insisting on change.”

Does such change need to take place slowly, 然而? 专家认为,大小组织的领导者可以通过以下七种方式加快企业发展&I growth in their firms:

Acknowledge the problem.

As Ayana Parsons, 他是最新太阳城官网(最新太阳城官网)的高级客户合伙人,专注于董事会和首席执行官的多元化, 股本, and inclusiveness, 所说的, 全国各地的抗议活动不仅仅是针对警察的不当行为. “This is much broader,” she says. Part of the bigger issue, 专家说, is how many institutions, both public and private, were designed with just white men in mind. As unfortunate as that may be, 承认现实可以给个人更大的力量来做出改变. 一位首席执行官, 例如, may not be able to mandate police reform, but he or she can force a firm to change its own hiring, 培训, and promotion practices.

Select behaviors you could change or adopt today.

“每个人都有无限的可能性, in all walks of life or positions,” says Jean-Marc Laouchez, president of the 最新太阳城官网 Institute. 一些例子包括向你每天经过的那些“看不见的人”打个招呼, or learning about peers, 他们过去, and future career path. 向那些可能正在挣扎的同事伸出援手,倾听他们的意见也会有所帮助.

On an organizational level, 领导者还可以查看专业选择或晋升指标, 同时发现并指导非传统的高潜力员工. Such behaviors transcend differences in gender, 比赛, 宗教, 国籍, or social origin, Laouchez says. “它们允许在更基本、更普遍的人类层面上建立联系.”

Challenge existing norms.

In 2020, there are only four black 首席执行官s leading 《澳门太陽城集團》杂志 500 firms, and as of 2019, fewer than 10% of the most senior P&L leaders in the 《澳门太陽城集團》杂志 500 were black. “I’m not suggesting that Caucasian men can’t be excellent 首席执行官s, 但我们必须承认,我们的领导人人数远远超过了我们的人数, both nationally and globally,” 帕森斯说.

Diversity without 股本 and inclusion just doesn’t work.

Diversity and inclusion, while different, are linked. Experts say that the best leaders are inclusive, 允许员工挑战现状,因为这类员工能够激发创新. 然而, 成为一名包容性领导者的一个重要部分是成为多元化的有效倡导者, championing efforts to add more women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups into the organization.

许多公司已经承诺增加女性和少数族裔员工的数量. For those diverse groups to work most effectively, 然而, 他们不仅需要投入到工作中,还需要感觉到公司尊重他们的观点. 最新太阳城官网(最新太阳城官网)的塔皮亚(Tapia)表示:“包容比使劳动力多样化要难得多。. “公司可能会猝不及防地认为,通过多样化,它们就会自动具有包容性, or vice versa.”


数据显示,管理团队种族多元化的公司比种族多元化程度较低的公司获得新市场的可能性高70%,创新产品和服务的收入高出38%. Laouchez说:“有目的性和参与性的领导将有助于解决当前的危机。.

Give ethnically and racially diverse workers P&L responsibilities.

太频繁, 许多寻找和培养高层领导者的制度都是为一种候选人设计的——白人, 身体健全的男性——保留他们会使他们永远缺乏代表性和发言权. “The default person can thrive, but we need to make sure that everyone else can, 太,” says Alina Polonskaia, 最新太阳城官网多元化和包容性解决方案的全球领导者. 专家们表示,企业必须更加有意识地为非白人人才创造机会,让他们跨职能和业务部门调动,接受新的、具有挑战性的角色和任务. Once those opportunities are created, 黑人和拉丁裔工人必须得到关键资源的支持,以帮助推动成功, 帕森斯说.


Inclusive leaders are open to diverse points of view, motivate people from different backgrounds, 并接触传统上代表性不足的员工和客户. 帕森斯表示,企业必须考虑将这一点作为每位新董事的先决条件, every new 首席执行官 appointed, or every C-suite leader. “想象一下,如果每个高管都是真实的,美国企业会是什么样子, emotionally resilient, 自信的, 好奇的, 和灵活的.”

Commit for the long haul.

许多组织已经为内部和外部利益相关者精心制作了消息,说明他们对最近发生的事件感到多么震惊. 但致力于多元化和包容性意味着对包容性继任计划进行投资, 招聘, 发展, 培训, and education—and not relenting. “Every board director, 首席执行官, 如果我们要挑战现状,那么高管层领导者也应该沿着同样的思路思考,” 帕森斯说.